The doctor also said that the rash that I keep getting on my face could be from Lupus which I have no idea what that is. But the doctor is going to do tests and find out.
I have to get a bunch of tests done in the next few days so that I can start my new medicine.
Today I am really tired and my fingers hurt really bad. My doctor said my fingers and toes were swollen today. She also said my face was really swollen.
Today two of my friends had important doctor appointments and I am waiting to find out if they got good news. Stay strong Emilia and Noelle!
Tomorrow I am going to be n the talent show! I am so excited because teachers from my school are doing the talent show! Last year they did the talent show also. The teachers asked a bunch of teachers to do the talent show. I think last year they had like 14 teachers do it! The exciting part about them doing the talent show is if any of my teachers are doing it and what teachers are doing it! It would be really funny to see my teacher from this year doing the talent show because I could never imagine my teacher doing the talent show with a bunch of girl teachers in short dresses and short skirts. LOL!!!!!
Any way what I am doing for the talent show is I am dancing in 2 acts. My first one that I will be doing is dancing with lemmie sticks! My friend's mom taught and made the whole entire routine. I love my whole entire routine. I think it looks really cool and sounds really cool! My second thing that I am doing for the talent show is dancing with the fifth graders! If you think I am dancing with the all of the fifth graders than you are crazy! I am dancing with the fifth graders that want to dance in the talent show! I also love the dance that I am dancing to with the fifth graders! I really love the song that we are dancing to! If you want to see the talent show it is on 2-21-2014. there is one every year but not on the same days. But next year I will not be able to do the talent show because... I AM GOING TO SIXTH GRADE!!!!!