We haven't posted much because I feel like a broken record when it comes to Bella's symptoms and weekly issues. I don't want to be "Debbie Downer" because it's just not my style and we are trying to find all the positives for Bella right now. So we are focusing less on what is wrong and proclaiming the positive achievements in her health care. BUT as anyone with a child with an ongoing medical issues knows that sometimes it is hard to not feel overwhelmed and defeated some days.
This week Bella came down with whatever her Dad had last week(fever, sore throat, exhaustion). Even though we tried to keep Dad away from her and sanitized everything, it still wasn't enough. It really has shown us that her immune system is so much weaker while on the MTX injections and we need to be as cautious as possible. We do know that the chemo has dropped her white blood count a bit but not to alarming levels. Since she is sick the doctor has taken her off her MTX injection until she is 100%. This is the tough part because this is the medicine that helps reduce her pain/symptoms and now we can't give it to her. Once we can start again it will be like starting all over from square one. BUT, Bella was quite excited to not have to be stabbed this week. :)
Bella is having many mood swings that are giving us whip lash (the doctor warned us about this steroid side effect) BUT the steroids are doing a great job at keeping most of her inflammation down and her rashes are minimal. So, we think the positives are out weighing the negatives in this situation, so we will ride it out a bit longer and ask the doctor at her visit in a couple of weeks.
Bella is back in physical therapy 2 days a week, which she hated the idea of going back. BUT she loves the new physical therapist because he is funny and makes the work out fun. So we are pretty excited for her. The only downside was this place does not do water therapy which is a great way to work out the joints and not cause strain. So, we decided to join the local YMCA gain and do our own water therapy with Bella, boy is the Y expensive!!! Plus, Bella and her friend Emilia are going to take swim classes together at the Y as soon as she is recovered from her surgery and battle with cancer (almost over YEAH).
Bella has her good days and bad, but we are starting to get use to the ups and downs. We are finally at a point where we are accepting the "new normal". It's not the life I would want for my daughter (or anyone for that matter) but we are finding the positives as they come and holding on to them tightly!
~Bella got an awesome report card, even with missing 10 days of school, leaving early over a dozen times, and coming in late a hand full of time (pretty freaking amazing if you ask this proud mama)!!!
~Bella also got her bronze award in Girl Scouts for her successful Food Drive (over 1600 pound of food collected)!!
~Bella is going to be in the school talent show and dance to the song Brave with her fellow classmates(was asked to hold sign at the end bc she was one of the kids going through a tough time this year) and doing another number with some of her fellow cheerleaders. If you are free the night of February 21st come see her perform at New Cumberland Middle school at 7pm.
We will have another exciting announcement soon too, so keep watching!!!!
Have a great week and keep warm!!!